About us
Chef Keiran, had a very early start in the culinary world at the tender age of 15. We could write an essay about his achievements and accomplishments but that’s not what this paragraph is about. You want to know about the person behind the scenes of Baked by Keiran, the person who started this business and is providing you with this amazing array of quality bread and pastries. He has the following to say:
“ To me, a person’s story is not always about the chefs they have worked for and namedropping as many great chefs as they can. It’s about about the people who have inspired you along the way. It’s about waking up in the morning, picking up a book and reading it to understand the chemistry of baking. It’s getting the kick out of cooking that appeals to you as an individual. My aim is to give back to the industry after many years of hard work; to teach, share and help others expand their knowledge of food. Food is a common factor that draws us all together. We share it, we love it and let’s face it, we need it to survive. Although working Michelin star in the UK my aim was never to be a restauranteur. I am and will always be a chef at heart, fascinated by the chemistry, flavours and creativity this job entails and constantly pushing the boundaries to create good quality food with my own spin on it.
Despite being French trained, I have always admired the impulsive Italian way of cooking; simple techniques, amazing produce and the overall general love and passion for food.
My only wish is to share and ignite that same passion in others through my cooking!”
- Head Baker/Owner Keiran Mckay